Moving Furniture Records

Over at Mapsadaisical they have published a lovely review for Ubeboet – Archival.
Go check it out:

Christ, it is hot. I can’t remember a summer as ceaselessly and oppressively warm as this one. Well, not since I moved out of that bungalow on the planet Venus. I really don’t know what I was thinking of there. All the radiation from the sun meant that 3G reception was a bit patchy too. It was cheap, I suppose. Well, at least compared to the London property market; maybe if I’d been moving from Grimsby or somewhere it would have seemed a bit less affordable. At the moment I can barely be bothered to lift my fingers to the keys to tell you how good this new album by Ubeboet is. I can’t believe I actually want it to rain, a proper hard, sharp rain shower to cleave this solid wall of heat…
Read the rest here
