- Bruno Duplant
- du silence des anges
- Series: Moving Furniture Records
- Format: Cd
- Bruno Duplant
- du silence des anges
- Series: Moving Furniture Records
- Format: Cd
With du silence des anges Bruno Duplant presents his second release as part of his trilogy for Moving Furniture Records.
After two collaborative albums with Francisco Meirino, and Alfredo Costa Monteiro, a solo release on Eliane Tapes, hew now presents the follow-up to Quelques intants d’érternité.
Du silence des anges is released as CD mastered by Bruno Duplant in artwork with photography by Bruno Duplant, and designed by Rutger Zuydervelt.
About du silence des anges
With “du silence des anges” Bruno Duplant returns with the second release in his trilogy for Moving Furniture Records, imbued with a certain mysticism and a deep melancholy, but, this time, more luminous, carrying a hope still possible.
it happens anytime and anywhere
something totally new and beautiful
cross the border without even realizing it
feeling of disappearing
strange and persistent
be present here now
without being there
without actually being there
to be weary
blind to grass and sky
insensitive to torrents and chants
what should have broken my fall
no plausible explanation was put forward
pay special attention to the stars
without forgetting to forget
to remember better
avoid spells
enchant runes
this is all quite complicated
this is all quite complicated
I recognize him he said
I remember
I wore glasses
with adhesive tape
tape on glasses
one green one red
I remember
I forgot why
I turn around to catch one of your gestures
but you disappeared
you have probably turned to stone
I am still
without moving
I can only act slowly
I hope to fade away
move forward where there is no more path
without moving
move forward
— Bruno Duplant —
Vital Weekly, Frans de Waard
More mysterious music by Bruno Duplant. He’s doing a trilogy of albums for Moving Furniture Records and ‘du silence des anges’ (of the silence of the angels).
As always, I have no idea what the man does, and I can only surmise what he does. Let’s say he bundles a variety of field recordings, wind, rain, massive thunder this time, organ sounds and some obscured electronics on various tracks of his computer and sets out to mingle these. Hence, a murky mass of sound is the result.
It’s hard to decipher or decode his music if there is anything to decode. I am unsure if his work has any meaning, not just this particular new one.You could wonder about a lot of music, not just Duplant’s. Maybe there’s a deeper meaning here, something profound, perhaps dealing with the silence of angels, in which case, spoiler alert, there isn’t a lot of silence to hear in these two pieces, and the thunderous storm passing in the first part is one hell of a scary thing.
I am sure there are various thoughts here, including something about loss, death, dystopia, or any other darker thought one has.
The fact is that Duplant’s music is constantly moving while always remaining at a more atmospherical level; it moves from section to section, slowly opening up new vistas, going at times for a more orchestral approach. I have no idea if he uses some old classical music record or has some kind of package with orchestral samples.
As always, his music is very dense and rich, with many small events working together to arrive at this mass of sound.
Excellent stuff, once again, but I am biased; I am a fan and don’t expect me to be that much neutral on this. (FdW)